1 2 Million Luxury Caravan By Volkner Mobil. And that's just in their Performance Perfection model, shown above. This state-of-the-art motor-home, known as TheVolkner Mobil Performance Bus, comes complete with a fully-fledged kitchen, a high-end entertainment system, and even a secret storage space designed to tuck away a supercar!
GUARDA LA PHOTOSTORY Foto. 'Volkner Mobil soddisfa le esigenze di chi non rinuncia alla sua Porsche'. A wide variety of caravans luxury options are available to you, such as recyclable. Volkner Mobil RVs don't come with a Mini-Cooper, but if you want to make highest and best use of the motorhomes' center built-in car storage, I'd highly recommend getting one.
Take a tour around this luxury trailer that includes an on-board sports car garage!
Take a tour around this luxury trailer that includes an on-board sports car garage!
That garage can fit your weekend drive. A wide variety of caravans luxury options are available to you, such as recyclable. Mit Volkner Mobil geht sogar ihr PKW mit auf Reisen.